
Bicycle Traffic in Helsinki Exhibition

Where are cycling paths built in Helsinki? How are the conditions for bicycle traffic planned? How can I affect the planning? Everything you need to know about bicycle traffic in Helsinki will be available for you at the Bicycle traffic in Helsinki exhibition from April 14 onwards.

The exhibition allows you to find out more about new Baana connections, and the simulator will allow you try out the cycle routes in a matter of minutes. The Laituri service also offers various bicycle traffic games: test your knowledge of the traffic rules, or what kind of a cyclist you are. You can also comment on your dream cycling city using the Wishing Well.

Concept Design:
Sofia Frantsi

Pasi Pänkäläinen

The service concept was designed in Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences as part of Design for Everyday Mobility – From Bicycle Centre 2.0 to a Cycling City project funded by Helsinki City Innovation Fund (2013-2016).