Prepare for the dark nights of autumn and deck out your bike and your clothes with reflective materials! The workshop was accompanied by swinging music improvised by Jan Wälchli. In the future, the workshop could take up the whole of Kansalaistori square.
Thanh Tam Huynh, Ringo Puurtinen, Floriane Ropars and Weera Seppä
Pyöräkeskus, Rakkautta & Anarkiaa-elokuvafestivaali, Uusix-verstaat, Kierrätyskeskus, Eurokangas, MAKEEdesign, Manner’sFinlayson, Clas Ohlson, Askarelli, Liikenneturva, Norteva & Vuorento dressmaker’s & fabric store, Fiskars and HSL
Juha Ainoa and Pasi Pänkäläinen
The service concept was designed as part of Design for Eveday Mobility project (2011-2013) funded by European Regional Development Fund as well as the Cities of Helsinki and Vantaa.